Dantes 2nd Inferno
Welcome to my version of hell .....
April 5, 2015
March 8, 2015
Life changes ....
I seriously doubt anyone will read this .... and that's ok.
It's more for me to get my internal shit out anyway.
My last post was my birthday ....
I can't even begin to tell you the number of changes that have taken place since!
I'd say the biggest change is that Jack & I called it quits in November after 5+ years.
It was my decision more than it was his. The distance had finally taken it's toll on me and
I wanted something else for my life.
It was/is heartbreaking ..... but also the right thing to do.
I've also managed to lose about 45lbs since July.
I feel fantastic and don't look half bad either ... lol
For 46, i'll take it! lol
Sadly, i've had 5 deaths in my family since October with the latest being last Sunday.
It feels like I have a black cloud hanging over my head.
Maybe it's karma.
I just know that I have never wished for winter to be done as much as I want this one to be done.
My oldest brother was almost killed in January.
He took out a utility pole at 2am on a VERY snowy, shitty night.
He was drunk.
Yes, he was arrested and yes, he will deserve whatever the Judge gives him.
It's my SIL and my nieces and nephew I feel bad for.
Speaking of my nieces and nephew .... my Q graduated as an Automotive Tech from college in December. I am soooooo unbelievably proud of her! She's working in a dealership and loving life!
My nephew graduates this month and already has a few job prospects lined up.
Again, I am an extremely proud Aunt!
There's been a whole lot more too .... trips to warm, exotic locations, attempting to date again (that's an entire post in itself!) ..... so much more!
I won't get into it all now .... i'm tired of typing.
Hopefully i'll be posting again more .... the dating alone might make me do it!
I do have a question to ask .... since when is it acceptable to let your freak flag fly high and proud on a first date???? Not that it's that big a deal ... I just wish someone had told me the new rules.
This getting old is pure shit!
It's more for me to get my internal shit out anyway.
My last post was my birthday ....
I can't even begin to tell you the number of changes that have taken place since!
I'd say the biggest change is that Jack & I called it quits in November after 5+ years.
It was my decision more than it was his. The distance had finally taken it's toll on me and
I wanted something else for my life.
It was/is heartbreaking ..... but also the right thing to do.
I've also managed to lose about 45lbs since July.
I feel fantastic and don't look half bad either ... lol
For 46, i'll take it! lol
Sadly, i've had 5 deaths in my family since October with the latest being last Sunday.
It feels like I have a black cloud hanging over my head.
Maybe it's karma.
I just know that I have never wished for winter to be done as much as I want this one to be done.
My oldest brother was almost killed in January.
He took out a utility pole at 2am on a VERY snowy, shitty night.
He was drunk.
Yes, he was arrested and yes, he will deserve whatever the Judge gives him.
It's my SIL and my nieces and nephew I feel bad for.
Speaking of my nieces and nephew .... my Q graduated as an Automotive Tech from college in December. I am soooooo unbelievably proud of her! She's working in a dealership and loving life!
My nephew graduates this month and already has a few job prospects lined up.
Again, I am an extremely proud Aunt!
There's been a whole lot more too .... trips to warm, exotic locations, attempting to date again (that's an entire post in itself!) ..... so much more!
I won't get into it all now .... i'm tired of typing.
Hopefully i'll be posting again more .... the dating alone might make me do it!
I do have a question to ask .... since when is it acceptable to let your freak flag fly high and proud on a first date???? Not that it's that big a deal ... I just wish someone had told me the new rules.
This getting old is pure shit!
Labels: Asshats-r-us, BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Flash 'em if you got 'em, Floozy files, freak flag, I crack myself up, POOF There goes another brain cell, slackASS blogging
August 28, 2014
June 19, 2014
Amandas Angels
Most of us go about our daily lives not thinking too much about how much time we have left on Big Blue.
I know I do.
Work. Kids. Bills. Aging parents.
Then, out of the blue, something hits very close to us that forces up to re-examine our lives.
The stuff that really matters comes to the forefront, and the rest just seems to fade out of sight.
I received my latest wake-up call not too long ago.
The woman in the video above, Amanda Pumm Bernier, is the daughter of a very good friend of mine.
She just found out that she's pregnant with her first child, she turned the big 3-0 and she was diagnosed with ALS. Literally, this all happened within a week or 2.
It breaks my heart. Amandas Mother and Grandmother died from ALS.
Amanda is due to give birth in November, and at the rate her ALS is progressing, she may not live long enough to see her daughters (yes, it's a girl!) face.
Amanda and her husband Chris are both volunteer Firefighters and EMT's. She's also a tri-athlete and one of the kindest and sweetest people I know. Amanda always has a smile on her face and is remaining very positive and upbeat.
I don't normally ask for anything from anyone, but I would ask anyone who is reading this to consider making a donation to help this amazing couple.
You can click the link: http://www.gofundme.com/amandas-angels if you care to make a donation or just find out more information.
Many thanks and much love to all of you!
Don't postpone joy ..... tomorrow isn't promised.