My 2014 wish ....
Merry New Year!
I hope everyone out there had a FABULOUS holiday season filled with laughter, happiness and love.
I know I did.
Part of my wish for ALL of you is this ....
It's my wish for myself as well.
That and un-fucking my life (thanks Daisyfae!).
My mantra this year is an oldie ... but one I forgot along the way .....
Give Bliss a Chance!
I feel so lucky to share another year with y'all!
~ Blaze
I hope everyone out there had a FABULOUS holiday season filled with laughter, happiness and love.
I know I did.
Part of my wish for ALL of you is this ....
It's my wish for myself as well.
That and un-fucking my life (thanks Daisyfae!).
My mantra this year is an oldie ... but one I forgot along the way .....
Give Bliss a Chance!
I feel so lucky to share another year with y'all!
~ Blaze
Labels: The beauty and joy that is ME
Happy New Year! Delighted to hear that you had a great holiday! Here's to much, much more of the same in the coming year! And yeah - let's get on with the un-fucking! :-D
Fuck all that bliss hen, I'm looking no further than the bottom of my full glass. Happy New Year to you...
Happy New Year, baby girl. May it be banner.
DAISYFAE: I'll drink to that! Your state or mine?! :D
CHEF: Who says that fucking isn't bliss?! ;) Darl, I believe you DO embrace your bliss .... in the right hand! :D
Happy New Year to you. the Mrs and the clan! xoxoxo
BUFFALO: Hearing from you has already made my year! :D
I miss you my dear ..... I hope all is well with you and Kat.
May you all have happiness, peace, health and love!
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