
February 13, 2013


My baby .....

My firstborn .....

My son .....

Today you turn 18.
Where did the time go?????

I remember everything about the night you were born.
I remember being scared shitless bringing you home.
Just you & me.
Against the world.
That's how we've spent a lot of those 18 years!
I've made tons of mistakes.
But I hope you always knew how much I love you.

You changed my life in so many ways!
You also saved me.

Watching you grow into the man you're becoming has been a pleasure ....
and a deep honor.
I look forward to next chapters of your life ....

I love you son ...... always.

HAPPY  18th  BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!  

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At 2/14/13, 4:06 PM , Blogger Walker said...

Happy Birthday to your son.
18th eh, did you get him a hooker, stripper?
My father gave me a ...... slap in the of the head on mine HA HA HA

At 2/17/13, 12:30 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

They soon grow hen, while we just grow older.

At 2/20/13, 2:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love you too mom....wait...ohhhhh, that was last week when we were role playing....oops.

At 2/20/13, 4:17 PM , Anonymous daisyfae said...

Happy Birthday, young man! My 'baby' is now 24. And i have no idea how that happened... not just from the blackouts i have from drinking, either! :-)

At 2/21/13, 10:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big event. Congratulations to both of you.

Haiku Monday is back on track this week. Becca won a week ago but her computer crashed. She has a lot going on so I am hosting. Come play.

At 2/22/13, 8:25 AM , Blogger BlazngScarlet said...

WALKER: I DID get him a stripper! It's made of chocolate, but that counts, right?

CHEF: I don't mind being mid 40's, but my body sure does!

BAMA: You just want me to take you over my knee don't you?!

DAISYFAE: I still have Little man ... he's only 7. It was just different with The Boy. We literally were alone, and I raised him that way for many, many years. Our bond is different.

SERENDIPITY: Thank you! I'll swing by and see what the theme is. I haven't been writing much, but I would love to get back into haiku! :D


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