
June 5, 2013

FML .....

I just found my upright freezer door cracked .....
ALL the food inside is thawed, warm and needs to be tossed.

I guess I just live on vodka from now on.

FML .....

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At 6/6/13, 2:14 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Food is bad for you doll, it weakens your thirst for the hard stuff. Unplug your fridge also before it is too late.

At 6/6/13, 4:47 PM , Blogger BlazngScarlet said...

CHEF: Are you going to come cook for me then?!

At 6/7/13, 9:31 AM , Blogger darkfoam said...

Ugg.. That's happened to me before. But all you need now is lime, perhaps olives .. And you've made a meal out of vodka.

At 6/7/13, 9:31 AM , Blogger darkfoam said...

Oh.. Michael W. is hosting Haiku Monday at my blog, btw.

At 6/10/13, 10:55 PM , Anonymous daisyfae said...

"I guess I just live on vodka from now on."

you say that like it's a bad thing?

At 6/11/13, 1:54 AM , Blogger Doom said...

Vodka? Whiskey ain't bad, should have beer or wine in there too. And don't knock the others without trying them. Variety, it's the spice of life.

Well, I write that because I can't otherwise help you. When they take it out, you could kick it. Uhrm... steel toes, or you may need stronger than vodka... Only critters like me can get away with kicking metal.

At 6/12/13, 5:53 PM , Blogger BlazngScarlet said...

DAISYFAE: OH NO! NEVER! Vodka is my friend.
I'm just not so sure it's proper 'food' for the 8 year old.
He slept well though .....

DOOM: No whiskey for this girl .... it makes me wanna punch someone in the face! :D
I stick with vodka and/or rum.


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